Matthew Adams

Matthew is the author of the book Battles of the Pacific War 1941 - 1945. This is a book that covers nine of the largest land and naval battles in the Pacific Theater.

U.S tank destroyers move through the fog

The Battle of the Bulge: Germany’s Last Throw of the Dice

In 1944, the Allies firmly turned the tide of World War II with a series of sweeping triumphs in Western Europe during Operation Overlord. The victorious D-Day beach landings in northern France paved the way for the liberation of Paris, which had been under Nazi occupation since 1940. Thereafter, the Germans were in retreat as …

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How the German High Command Supported the Bolsheviks in World War I

In 1917, Germany was at war not only with Russia, but the United States, Great Britain, and France. Those enemies gave Germany’s army two fronts in Western and Eastern Europe. As the USA joined the Triple Entente in 1917, Germany had to win World War I sooner rather than later. Aside from its army, the …

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Colorized image of the Schlachtschiff Bismarck. (Credits: Bundesarchiv)

German Battleship Bismarck – A brief history

The German Battleship Bismarck was the largest ship of the German Kriegsmarine during the ’40s. It was one of the last great battleships before aircraft carriers and U-boats eclipsed them. At more than 50,000 tons it also eclipsed any battleships that Britain’s Royal Navy had at their disposal. She was named after Chancellor Otto von Bismarck. Construction of the …

German Battleship Bismarck – A brief history Read More »

How Dive-Bomber Aircraft Won the War in the Pacific

When Japanese aircraft swooped over Pearl Harbor, dive-bombers were among the primary planes that devastated the harbor. These were planes that could dive toward and take out land and naval targets at lower altitudes than more standard aircraft. At a time when the accuracy of aircraft bombs was somewhat short of the 100% mark, they …

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