Changi follows the story of six young Australian mates who go to war. They land in Singapore in 1942, just in time for the surrender. They are marched off to Changi prison camp along with 15,000 others. Together, the six boys struggle to survive three and a half years of incarceration.
[junkie-toggle title=”Season 1″ state=”closed”]
Episode 1: Seeing is Believing
Episode 2: Gordon’s Will
Episode 3: Private Bill
Episode 4: Curley
Episode 5: Eddie’s Birthday
Episode 6: Pacifying the Angels[/junkie-toggle]
Title | Changi |
Country | Australia |
Director | Kate Woods |
Cast | Stephen Curry, Leon Ford, Anthony Hayes |
Language | English |
English Subtitles |
Amazon (United States) | Amazon (United Kingdom) | |
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