Guest post

Thank you for showing interest in submitting a guest post for!

The content manager will consider submissions from authors of all professions, civilian and military. The Military Leader is committed to publishing professional, insightful, positive content that improves leaders and their teams. As you develop a guest post for submission, please consider the following:

  • We’ve found that articles in the 800-1000 word range work best, but if you find you can accomplish your argument in fewer words, or need a bit more room to round out your argument, please do not feel constrained.
  • The topic must be relevant to history, military, education, leadership, personal development, team development, or provide wisdom that improves and enhances influence in a meaningful direction. Book reviews are welcome.

We do NOT accept:

  • Previously published content, so please submit your own original work.
  • Posts covering topics which already covered on the blog.
  • Posts that do not provide any useful and meaningful insights.
  • Offensive or inaccurate posts.
  • Adult content, hazard, gambling, sex, drugs


Posts must contain no more than 2 do-follow sponsored links. You can include few more high authority links to enhance the reading experience. We reserve the right to modify / remove the link(s) if the target page changes content or is not accessible anymore. To avoid any penalty from Google, our staff is reviewing outgoing links on a regular basis. We provide refunds only for links removed within the first year (12 months) after publishing. In case your link is removed due to the fact that the target page is not accessible or has changed its content, we do not provide refunds.

Interested? Contact us here:

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