The drama follows a group of inspirational women in a rural Cheshire community where the shadow of World War II is casting a dark cloud over their lives. The isolated village couldn’t feel further away from the impending bloodshed and battlefields and yet it is not immune from the effects of war. As the conflict takes hold, and separates the women from their husbands, fathers, sons and brothers, the women find themselves under increasing and extraordinary pressures in a rapidly fragmenting world.
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Title | Home Fires |
Country | UK |
Production Co. | ITV Studios |
Creator | Simon Block |
Cast | Clare Calbraith, Brian Fletcher, Samantha Bond |
Language | English |
IMDB: 8,2/10 | Amazon US: 4,5/5 Amazon UK: 5/5 |
RottenTomatoes: 86% (4,2/5) |
Amazon (United States) | Amazon (United Kingdom) | |
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