Submarine Commander

Review by Martin Koenigsberg

The Kriegsmarine U-Boat Campaign in the Atlantic and the American Submarine efforts in the Pacific might be the Iconic Submarine struggles of WWII- but the British Royal Navy made a massive effort, too- with some success in the Baltic, North Sea and the Mediterranean. One of their best leaders in that war was Ben Bryant, who retired a Rear Admiral after WWII and Cold War Service. These are his WWII memoirs, and they will entertain all but the most stolid reader. Starting with a revealing section on his service between the Wars in several Colonial stations, the book goes from Norway to Normandy, with plenty of interesting attack anecdotes as well as copious depth chargings into the bargain. Even non Military history buffs will appreciate his dry stiff upper lip style, at its best in the Malta residency content. All good Submarine books get you rapidly into the procedural aspects of WWII submarining. The need to recharge batteries for underwater movement at night… then often do attacks and maneuvers by day. Bryant is great at it, as well as explaining the complexities of various attack scenarios. The different Anti Submarine Weapons the Germans and Italians employed are explained at length as well. Good spare writing makes the whole effect compelling. This is the Navy, so there are a few adult themes, but no graphic injury passages, so this is a fine book for the Junior Reader over 13/14 years. The Gamer/Modeler/Military Enthusiast will find this a mixed offering. For the Gamer, the book is filled with scenario ideas- although it would be better with more diagrams. The Modeler gets a lot of build/diorama ideas- but there are no pictures that would be even better. The Military Enthusiast gets a close look at a vital, but little known side of the Allied Naval effort. The general audience reader has a chance to learn about a war we don’t often discuss…
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